If the answer to your question is not below, please call us. We would love to hear from you.
Q. How is the Jellies used?
As a pillow to minimize head molding or flattening
As a prone roll under the infant to provide support
As a mattress for micro-preemies
As a pillow for immobilized patients (adults, kids and babies) to minimize skin breakdown
As a support for breathing circuit tubes
Q. How do you use the 6 x 9 inch size Jellies?
Mattress for micro-preemies
Prone roll (folded in half long way for preemies to lie on)
Head support for kids and adults (fold in half for adults)
Q. Covers and Disposable covers?
Gel pillow should be covered with a soft cover.
Jellies disposable nonwoven covers are ideal but a baby blanket or cloth diaper also will work.
Q. Any cautions when using?
Single patient use only
Do not X-ray through pillow
Do not allow baby to lay face down. DANGER of suffocation
Do not microwave
Not for home use
ALWAYS monitor baby
ALWAYS warm before use
ALWAYS cover with the Jellies disposable cover or soft material
Q. How long will Jellies last?
Lasts 4 to 6 weeks under normal conditions
Q. Cleaning?
Clean with standard hospital disinfectants.
Q. Sterilization?
No. We have not done testing in this area.
Q. Is reuse OK?
No. Jellies are indicated as single patient use to prevent possible cross contamination between patients.
Any reuse of Jellies is not warranted by the manufacturer and should be made only after an appropriate method of sanitizing /
disinfecting has been validated by the user.
Q. What about X-ray?
Do not X-ray though the Jellies. Bubbles in the gel may cause a misdiagnosis.
Q. Why is warming important?
Warming is critical. A cold surface will pull heat out of the baby. (Think about sleeping on an unheated water mattress!)
Q. How do you warm Jellies up?
Keep spares in warm incubator.
Under warm running water (put in plastic bag first).
Q. Can you microwave the Jellies?
Absolutely NOT! Causes uneven hot spots. The Jellies overheats easily.
Blanket warmers also NOT recommended – can cause uneven hot spots.
Q. Home use?
No, hospital use only.
Q. Clinical people that use the Jellies?
NICU staff nurses
Developmental specialists
Occupational/Physical Therapists in the NICU
Respiratory Therapy (tube supports)
Soothie® is a Registered Trademark of Children’s Medical Ventures, Phillips. GumDrop™ is a Registered Trademark of Hawaii Medical LLC, Natus Medical Inc.
JollyPop® is a Registered Trademark of SandBox Medical LLC.